Thursday, July 21, 2011

It Never Ends!

So in getting ready for this whole Alaska thing you have to fill out what seems like million pages of paperwork! First there is a 14 page application that needs to be printed off and filled out, then there are about 16 other things that are 1-2 pages long that need to be filled out but first you have to go and find them then print them off then mail them up to the school....grrrr! If there is one thing that I don't really like to do it is fill out paperwork. I wish they would just wait until we got there then give us this big packet to fill out and hand back. It would make life so much easier! Oh well.....

I feel like I am not ready at all for Alaska packing wise still. I have no idea what to pack to head up there. I know I will need clothing and that is about all I got. I am hoping that the shopping day they provide us will really help me to get ready.

So Molly (the girl that I am going up to Alaska with) is probably one of the most prepared people in the world! I honestly wish I could be more like her in some ways. She spent 5 hours at Costco planning and budgeting what we would need for 5 months in the village. She is way awesome! I know this will make our shopping trip a lot easier. She is so cool, I really hope at the end of this we still like each other! Haha We have been in the same groups and classes together since freshman year. It is kind of crazy how God puts people in your life for a reason. I know without her (and a little pushing from Drew) I would not be heading out to Alaska. I am so thankful that I have such wonderful support from those around me! It makes this adventure a lot easier to have!

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